Occupational Therapy
Occupational Therapists address fine motor, visual motor, self care, social skill difficulties, and sensory integration disruptions. Our therapists are specifically trained to sensory stimulation and regulation techniques into each and every therapy session to ensure that each child has the best chance for success.
Occupational therapy uses a variety of core strengthening, movement, proprioception, vestibular, visual, and auditory based interventions to improve motor function in children who have delays resulting from a variety of factors. As "PLAY" is the work of all children, our therapists work hard to make therapy FUN for the child. We also work hard to educate parents and caregivers in techniques to be used in and outside the home to ensure carryover of skills.
The occupation of childhood is to develop the skills necessary to become functional and independent adults. These skills include:
Regulation of arousal level in order to attend
Continual refinement and development of motor skills
Appropriate social interactions
Age appropriate self care skills
Refinement of sensory discrimination and processing
Development of communication skills
Cognitive skills
Self concept
Physical Therapy
Pediatric physical therapy assists in early detection of health problems and uses a wide variety of techniques to treat disorders in the pediatric population. Our therapists are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases.
Treatment sessions focus on improving gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance as well as cognitive and sensory processing/integration. Our therapists work hard to make intervention fun for the child, using a large variety of toys and equipment in our super fun therapy gym.
Contact your doctor and request a referral for a Physical Therapy evaluation if you suspect that your child has delays in areas of …
Gross Motor Skills
Ball Skills
Balance Skills
Frequent Falls
Poor In-Seat Stability
Safety & Self-Protection skills
Unsafe Navigation of Environment
Difficulty Following Instruction Related to Physical Actions
Posture & Alignment
Speech Therapy
Speech/Language Pathologists work with children & their families to address a variety of skill delays related to communication, oral motor skills, and feeding. Speech therapy addresses a variety of issues including: frustration with communication, difficulty expressing wants and needs, articulation difficulty, poor social communication, autism, stuttering, poor phonological awareness, poor reading, and decreased written expression.
Our Speech/Language Pathologists have specialized training and experience in the following areas:
Apraxia of Speech
Articulation Disorders
Auditory Processing Disorders
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Down Syndrome
Expressive Language Challenges
Feeding Disorders
Oral-Motor Disorders
Receptive Language Disorders
Sensory Integration Disorders as related to Speech and Language Development
Velo-Pharyngeal Insufficiency
Voice Disorders/Vocal Cord Dysfunction
Fluency Disorders (Stuttering)
Our Speech/Language Pathologists help children learn to communicate more effectively. The therapists at ACTG have training & experience working with a diverse population of children. Many of the children referred to our clinic have difficulty with language skills. Some of these children have a limited vocabulary, some are very verbal but don’t know how to use their words to have effective interactions with others. Other children referred to our clinic have difficulty with speech production. They often have the language skills to communicate effectively, but have trouble producing speech clearly & fluently. All of the therapists at ACTG use a child-centered approach to interactions, building on each individual child’s interests to encourage & enhance communication.
Come See Us! We Can Help!
If you suspect your child has any of the delays listed above, please contact your doctor to send us a referral.
We’d be happy to help!